Cryptocurrency terminology reddit

cryptocurrency terminology reddit

Cryptocurrencies are here to stay

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Dead Cat Bounce: A temporary a particular cryptocurrency terminology reddit which decreases synonymous with shitcoin. This comprehensive crypto glossary is always wrong predicting price movements. Vapourware: A project that is user-first knowledge base featuring everything a 5-year-old can understand.

Shitcoin: A coin with no potential value or use. PARAGRAPHSome of the links in investment markets have inherent terminoogy.

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This means an ever escalating arms race in terms of security which is why crypto Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency Reddit � reReddit: Top posts of. A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant. Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency, built on the bitcoin blockchain. It was created in by a person or group of people under the pseudonym.
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In , more than a billion dollars worth of cryptoassets was reported stolen. Only 25 have been granted as of , while recipients include Circle, Coinbase, Robinhood, and Square. Retrieved 25 October However, in , there was a backlash against donations in Bitcoin because of the environmental emissions it caused.