Is mining crypto bad for the environment

is mining crypto bad for the environment

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Cryptocurrency mining is an extremely energy-intensive process that threatens the ability of governments across the globe to reduce our. Claim: Data centers are just as bad for pollution as crypto mining operations. Many crypto miners feel unfairly targeted about their. Besides purchased grid electricity, crypto-asset mining operations can also cause local noise and water impacts, electronic waste, air and other.
Comment on: Is mining crypto bad for the environment
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What is cryptocurrency mining, and how does it work? Most viewed. There is a recent push by some environmentalists to reduce the environmental impact of bitcoin by changing the way it is produced. Fidelity is the focus because they have been one of the biggest traditional financial players involved in the bitcoin space and they refuse to acknowledge that they have a responsibility and the ability to help fix the problem that bitcoin mining is having on the climate. The guidebook � "The Energy Bomb: How Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrency Mining Worsens the Climate Crisis and Harms Communities Now" � is the first to comprehensively document the explosive growth of cryptocurrency mining in the United States and examine how this industry is impacting utilities, energy systems, emissions, communities and ratepayers.